No Tigers or Bears but plenty of Elephants and Giraffes.
After my adventures to the South, I've realized that I am addicted to the process of preparing for and experiencing long distance travel, and I've been thinking. . . one more, just one more.
I've seen enough "big game" programs to know that an African game drive would be amazing. Also the thought of seeing another of the "wonders of the world" (Victoria Falls) adds to the dream. Surely a couple thousand miles of Africa wouldn't be any more difficult than Central America.

It's November and late May seems a long way off. However past experience tells me to learn about the culture, currency, political climate and how hard is it to find food, lodging and gas stations. So I begin planning. So far I've contacted a bike rental company that leases motos in Johannesburg. I remember how huge Buenos Aires was and Jo'Burg at almost 4 million, while not as large as B.A, it's pretty darn big! I think traveling north through Botswana to Chobe National Park and then on to Victoria Falls sounds like a good start. From there I will head south thru Zimbabwe and back to South Africa. I plan to ride south to the Drakensburg mountains which are supposed to be quite beautiful and back to Jo'Burg. Sounds good if I don't let the "old guy" that's in me change my mind. Oh yes, my wife Brenda wanted to know if I "had a death wish". Otherwise she's o.k. with it. Cool.