Raul and Bob ride Southwest

Hot windy ride to Tulsa
After a day and a half, Bob returned to Columbia and Raul continued on to the West.  His goal rather grandiose.  The Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, California, Seattle, North to East across the U.S to New York and then South to Miami.  Raul has toured all of South America and the 57 year old wants to bicycle Cuba.  Hopefully his U.S. trip will be a safe and successful one.
Paseo de viento caliente a Tulsa
Después de un día y medio, Bob volvió a Columbia y Raul continuó en el oeste. Su objetivo más bien grandioso. El gran cañón, Las Vegas, California, Seattle, norte a través de los Estados Unidos a Nueva York y, a continuación, al sur de Miami. Raúl ha viajado por toda América del Sur y los 57 años de edad quiere a Cuba en bicicleta. Esperamos que su viaje de U.S. sea una segura y exitosa.

Visitor from the "Far South"

Viajero de la motocicleta para visitar Columbia

Raul, school teacher from Junin, Argentina, will arrive in Columbia at the end of May. He is riding a motorcycle from Miami and will target Seattle as his destination before returning to Miami. Bob contacted Raul after reading on the Horizons Unlimited website of the impending trip. After a short stay in Columbia, Raul will continue West and Bob will ride with him for a day or two.